


Article I: Organization & Association

I.IThis organization, wishing to secure for ourselves the pleasures and benefits of an association of persons commonly interested in Amateur Radio, constitute ourselves the Kansas City DX Club (KCDXC).  The Kansas City DX Club wishes to remain affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).

I.IIIt shall be our purpose to promote the exchange of information and cooperation between members and other organizations, to promote amateur radio, technical knowledge and individual operating efficiency, and to conduct club programs and activities to advance the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio in the community, with a focus on DXing and contesting.

I.III      A three quarter (3/4) majority of the votes received is required for changes to the constitution.

Article II: Membership

II.I       All licensed amateur radio operators shall be eligible for membership.

II.II      Membership shall be granted to all such interested persons who apply for membership and submit dues as outlined in the bylaws.

II.III     Any member may be removed from membership in the KCDXC by a three quarter (3/4) majority of the votes received.

II.IV    Members are required to maintain their current mailing and e-mail addresses with the KCDXC Treasurer and Secretary.

II.V     Members are required to maintain good standing in the KCDXC by the payment of annual dues as specified in the by-laws. Membership may be revoked for failure to pay dues and comply by the rules of the constitution and by-laws.

Article III: Officers

III.I      The officers of this club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

III.II     Any licensed amateur radio member of the club in good standing shall be eligible to run for office.

III.III   Nominations for officers shall be solicited during the regular business of the October club meeting. Nominations may also be presented to the President through e-mail or U.S. mail and must also be solicited at the November meeting.  No nominations shall be accepted after the November meeting.  All nominees will be posted on the website and in the December newsletter.  Voting will be closed December 31.  No votes will be accepted after December 31.  An election committee will tabulate the votes and announce the results at the January meeting, the newly elected officers will serve for the following 24 months.

III.IV   The officers of the KCDX Club shall be elected for a term of two years.  Voting will be conducted by electronic ballot.   A maximum of three terms will be allowed, after which a twelve (12) month lapse period must occur before that individual may be nominated for the same office again.

III.V    Vacancies occurring between elections will be filled by special elections at the first regular meeting following the withdrawal or resignation of an officer.  Nominations of candidates for that officer position must be solicited as early as possible. Nominations also must be solicited at the meeting of the special election, prior to the election votes.

III.VI   A three quarter (3/4) majority of the votes received is required for officer removal.  

Article IV: Duties of Officers

IV.I     The President shall preside at all meetings of this club, and conduct them according to commonly accepted rules. The President shall enforce due observance of this Constitution and by-laws, decide all questions of order, form committees and/or sub-committees, represent the club in matters of external business, sign all official documents adopted by the club, and perform all other appropriate duties pertaining to the office of President.  The President shall endeavor to promote the KCDXC to the Amateur Radio community.

IV.II    The Vice-President shall attend regularly scheduled meetings and assume all the duties of the President in the President’s absence. In addition the Vice-President shall organize club activities, meeting programs, and advance club interest and activity as approved by the club.

IV.III   The Secretary shall attend regularly scheduled meetings and keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings and make a summary available, keep a roll of members, submit membership as required, carry on all correspondence, read communications at each meeting, and send e-mail meeting notices to members. The Secretary will maintain individual member attendance records at regular meetings.

IV.IV  The Treasurer shall attend regularly scheduled meetings and receive and receipt for all monies paid to the club, make approved expenditures on behalf of the club, keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended.  At or prior to each regular club meeting, the Treasurer shall report on the state of the club finances. The Treasurer shall be prepared to submit an itemized statement of disbursements and receipts to the club membership upon request, within a reasonable period of time.

IV.V     The President shall appoint a committee to oversee and conduct elections. The election committee shall report to the secretary.

Article V: Meetings

V.I      The club shall conduct regular meetings as specified in the by-laws.

V.II     The President may call special meetings.  Notices shall be sent to members concerning special meetings and the business to be transacted. Only such business as designated shall be transacted during a special meeting. Such notices shall be sent so that they can be reasonably expected to arrive not less than seventy-two hours before any such special meeting.   Voting at special meetings will be limited to the designated business.

Article VI: Financial Support

VI.I      Dues shall be levied upon the membership as specified in the by-laws.

VI.II    Voluntary contributions (donations) shall be used for normal or additional operating expenses of the KCDXC as directed by the officers of the club.      

Article VII: Communication Methods

VII.I    The club will utilize e-mail, an Internet web site and an electronic newsletter to reduce printing and postage cost. Subscription to the club e-mail reflector and restricted pages on the web site is limited to club members. 

Article VIII: Amendments
VIII.I   This constitution may be amended by a three-quarters vote of the votes received. Proposals for amendments to the constitution shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and will be published in the newsletter and electronically via e-mail and the club website as amendments/changes to the constitution.  Voting for those changes will be accepted until seven (7) days prior to the next monthly meeting at which time all voting will be closed. A three quarter (3/4) majority vote of the votes cast by the voting members shall be considered acceptance of the amendment/amendments.  Results will be tabulated by the election committee and announced at the next regular meeting.  Results will be published in the newsletter as well as electronically via e-mail

Article IX:  Dissolution of Club

IX.I     In the event of dissolution, the assets of the Club will be transferred to the ARRL or another Amateur Radio Club in the Kansas City metropolitan area (Platte, Clay, Jackson or Cass counties in MO.  Leavenworth, Wyandotte, Johnson or Miami counties in KS.)

KCDXC   By Laws:

1. To facilitate communications among club members and to promote the club to the Amateur Radio community, the club shall maintain a World Wide Web site at the URL Financial support for this service, as necessary, shall be paid for by club funds. The officers shall appoint a “webmaster” willing and able to maintain the service.

2. Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the constitution and by-laws of the club and have the same available at every meeting. The Secretary shall note all amendment changes and additions on the constitution and shall make it available to members on the club’s World Wide Web site, or upon request.

3. Membership. Membership is open to licensed amateurs and includes all club privileges as well as rights to hold a club office and to vote for club officers unless stated otherwise.  The term “good standing”, shall reflect the members current status as a dues paying member.

3a.     Full Membership…A regular member is a licensed amateur operator that is a dues paid member in good standing.  Regular members are entitled to full voting privileges and may hold office.  There are no age limits involved in full membership.
3b.    Associate Membership…An associate member is a paid member in good standing, who does not hold an amateur radio license.  The associate member has no voting rights and may not hold office.  Associate member dues will be assessed at  one-half (1/2) the rate of full/regular membership dues.
3c.     Student/Youth membership…Youth membership may be granted to a licensed amateur under age twenty-one.  Youth members may not vote or hold office.  The youth membership shall be free of charge.
3d.     Family Membership…As long as one member in an immediate family is a full dues-paying member, all additional immediate family members eligible for membership shall be entitled to dues assessed  at one-half (1/2) the rate of full/regular membership dues.

4. Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held monthly with dates and times posted on the club website at and club e-mail reflector (

5. Change of Officers. Upon expiration of term of office, resignation, withdrawal from or removal from office, such club officers will return all club property, funds and documentation to their successor.6. Executive Use of Funds. Club officers are empowered to disburse funds not to exceed a total of $300.00 in any given month without advance voted approval of the membership.  A majority of officers must agree that the funds are required prior to the next meeting and that the purpose benefits the club membership.  Written receipts are to be provided to the Treasurer at the next regular meeting. The President and Treasurer of the club shall be listed on the club bank account and have access to the account.  Fund disbursal is authorized to the club President and/or Treasurer.

7. For purposes of constituting a quorum for transaction of club business, a quorum shall consist of ten per cent (10%) of the membership  or ten (10) members, excluding officers, in attendance at the meeting during which the business is to be transacted, whichever is less.   Voting to change the Constitution, remove officers or members shall be conducted by electronic voting consisting of e-mail or via the members portal on the KCDXC website.  Voting to transact club business or to amend club by-laws shall be conducted as stated in section ten (10) of the KCDXC by-laws.8. Dues:  Dues shall be collected by the club treasurer. The annual assessment for each    calendar year will be decided by a quorum vote at a regular meeting.9. Voluntary Contributions:  All voluntary contributions will remain anonymous at the request of the donor.  The amount of individual contributions will be kept in confidence by the treasurer and released only to officers of the club upon request.  

10. Amendments to the by-laws or additional by-laws shall be created via motion made and seconded at regular monthly meeting.  The motion will be voted on and must pass with a majority of members present provided there is a quorum.

11. The KCDXC will provide and maintain liability insurance coverage for all activities to   protect the members and officers from claims.