Many thanks to Bill Henderson for maintaining the club site for over a decade. The Clubs website has been migrated to a new platform and while much of the old content has been moved over. Your content is needed, the station photos section is a good place to start as is any recent events. Please submit station photos and a paragraph or two to
Someone told me that W0YR is on the list of KCDXC SKs.
I was the original holder of W0YR 1976-2000 but gave it up in October 2019 in favor of W4RN since retiring in VA.
I will turn 80 in January and fondly remember the great times with you guys and our KCDXC SK brothers.
W0YR is now held by Paul in Ames, IA, a fine fellow who excels at helping new, young hams.
Sincere 73 and FB DX to you great guys in my old and dearly remembered club.
Mike Lonneke
Round Hill, VA
(ex-W4AAW, R3/W0YR, HA/W0YR, 3A2/W0YR, OH0/W0YR, VP2VCA, VP7/W4AA, KS4/W0YR, KH6/W0YR, KV4/W0YR,
Sometimes on 14.167 in the mornings.
Main interest: CW contesting
Thanks for the update Mike.
how do i pay my dues? is the website broken? Pat W0OJU
Select membership on the menu followed by join. On the Join page are instructions to pay by check or Paypal.
73, Jay
Hi can you correct my name when you get a chance from Dammy to Danny thanks so much
Rick will get this.
Thanks for correcting my name on the roster
You are welcome, I will pass along to Rick.