Website update

Many thanks to Bill Henderson for maintaining the club site for over a decade. The Clubs website has been migrated to a new platform and while much of the old content has been moved over. Your content is needed, the station photos section is a good place to start as is any recent events. Please submit station photos and a paragraph or two to

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  1. Someone told me that W0YR is on the list of KCDXC SKs.

    I was the original holder of W0YR 1976-2000 but gave it up in October 2019 in favor of W4RN since retiring in VA.

    I will turn 80 in January and fondly remember the great times with you guys and our KCDXC SK brothers.

    W0YR is now held by Paul in Ames, IA, a fine fellow who excels at helping new, young hams.

    Sincere 73 and FB DX to you great guys in my old and dearly remembered club.

    Mike Lonneke
    W4RN & W0NA
    Round Hill, VA

    (ex-W4AAW, R3/W0YR, HA/W0YR, 3A2/W0YR, OH0/W0YR, VP2VCA, VP7/W4AA, KS4/W0YR, KH6/W0YR, KV4/W0YR,

    Sometimes on 14.167 in the mornings.

    Main interest: CW contesting

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