2024 Pileup Contest Winners from Dayton

The 2024 KC DX Club Pileup Contest is history, our man Lee Ward, KØLW, reports from the Dayton Hamvention.

Now updated with complete scores.

“Rick, WØZAP, did a fantastic job of setting up the computers, network and software,” Lee says. “He made it easy for Mark, KIØI, and Bill, KØVBU, to round up folks to be dazzled and dazed. I sat at the control point and did a great job of pushing the go button and then pushing the reset when the torture stopped. Rick, in the meantime, gave instructions and made sure I didn’t screw it up. … It went off without a hitch.”

The winners:

First place: Doug, W9WI, winner of an Icom IC-7300. Donated by ICOM America.

Second place: Dave, K5GN, winner of a Begali paddle. Donated by Begali.

Third place: Andy, N2NT, winner of an 80 meter dipole antenna. Donated by Associated Radio.

Fourth place: John, N2NC, winner of a gift certificate donated by DX Engineering

Fifth place; Doug, K1DG, a CW device. Donated by Rig Expert.

Follow the link for the final standings:


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