Dayton/Xenia 2022 Update

Handing over a Icom 7300 to the Bouvet expedition

It was GREAT seeing so many members. I fought back and knee pain from the moment we hit Dayton. Since most are wondering what is going on with Lee K0LW with Adrian and Dave from 3Y0J DXPedition, what happened is we had a problem. First, I want to fully acknowledge the efforts of Russ K0VXU, Bill K0VBU, Joe KA3NAM, and Brain KC0BS. Their efforts for attempting to repair the patient was valiant but was not going to happen. The CW contest died with just 8 hams participating. With the crowd growing, and besides the crews’ best efforts, we had to make the decision of calling off. The IC7300 prize was discussed by Lee, Ray N9JA of ICOM, and me. It was determined to donate the 7300 to Bouvet to expedite it going to a new home. Not the expected outcome, BUT we plan, at this time, to return with the contest next year with all new hardware and updated programs. Keep our fingers crossed for a positive final outcome. I have some photos and will upload in the next few days.

Chuck K0XM

President, KCDX Club.

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