Honoring the memory of Lee Bergren, W0AR, one of the most well-known and respected DXers of all time, and a founding member of the Kansas City DX Club.
Each Year’s Challenge Ends at 23:59 UTC December 31
Entries due no later than 15 days after the close of each Challenge. Be sure to get yours in by the deadline!
Don, W0XE, has provided an excellent record-keeping spreadsheet. It’s great!
Purpose: To promote activity on the bands and to provide friendly competition among the KCDXC members, by working as many ARRL Countries (entities) and as many CQ Zones as possible within the time frame described below…
Rules: KCDXC (WØAR) Challenge
(1) Activity period: The KCDX Club (WØAR) Lee Bergren Memorial DX Challenge is a year-long activity, beginning each year at at 0000 UTC January 1, and ending at 2359 UTC December 31.
(2) Frequencies: Any authorized amateur frequency may be used. Contacts through repeaters, remote stations or satellites are not allowed for credit, nor are contacts with maritime or aeronautical mobile stations. All contacts must be made entirely over amateur radio frequencies—i.e., Echolink-type contacts or IRLP do not count.
(3) Modes: Any authorized amateur mode may be used. Five modes will be recognized in the DX Challenge—Mixed, CW, SSB, RTTY and Digital. All modes other than CW, SSB and RTTY will count as Digital. Submissions with all contacts utilizing a single mode will be recognized.
(4) Categories: All awards are for single operator only. There are five entry categories “QRP”, “Low Power”, “Unlimited”, “Wires”, and “Rookie.” An operator in QRP/Lower Power Class must select QRP (5 watts or less) or 100 watts at the beginning of the WØAR DX Memorial DX Challenge and may not switch between entry modes during the year. Entering multiple categories is allowed, even encouraged. Separate logs must reflect each category. The use of spotting nets/methods such as a DX Cluster® is allowed for all categories:
a) QRP: All contacts must be made with a maximum output power of 5 watts, regardless of band or mode;
b) Low Power: Maximum of 100 watts output.
c) Unlimited/High Power: Up to the maximum legal limit. All power restrictions of specific contests, i.e. NA QSO Party limitation of 100W or specific bands, i.e. 30 & 60 Meter power restrictions must be observed.
d) WIRES: The only antennas allowed are simple dipoles and 1 wire vertical. A maximum of two wire dipoles and one vertical may be used. All antenna elements must be constructed of wire. All radiation must be accomplished via the wire elements. Example: a shunt fed tower is not a wire antenna, even though it consists of a wire element.
e) ROOKIE: Any entrant who is a first time WØAR CHALLENGE contestant will be considered a ROOKIE. ie. This is your first entry in the WØAR Contest.
f) All entries submitted for the W0AR DX Contest must have worked at least 100 countries to be considered for an award.
(5) Valid Contacts: A valid contact consists of a complete, correctly copied and legibly logged two way exchange between the contesting station and any other station. Proper logging requires including the time in UTC and the BAND of each contact. Only one call sign shall be utilized by the contesting station during the DX Challenge contest period.
(6) Scoring: Each ARRL country worked is worth one point. Each CQ zone worked is a multiplier of one. The total score is the sum countries worked, on any mode and any authorized band multiplied by the sum of CQ Zones. The multipliers are the CQ Zones. Each country and zone count only once. A single QSO may count for both a country and a zone. For example if in the course of the year you work 238 countries and 35 zones, your score is 8330. If you work all 40 zones and 150 countries your score is 6000. The ARRL DX Countries List and the CQ Zone List constitute the official lists. The lists are available on the KCDX Club website.
(7) Submissions: Submissions must be made electronically, via e-mail to the Contest Committee. A Microsoft Excel® template into which contacts may be entered will be made available for download from the KCDX Club website. All scores must be received within 15 days of the close of each Challenge.
(7a) Partial Score Report: It is mandatory that each contestant submit his/her approximate country total at 90 day intervals in the contest. A 10% penalty will be assessed if contestant fails to report their approximate score by the required date.
(7b) Minimum Submissions: A minimum of two submissions per Category/Mode is necessary for an award.
(8) Verification: QSL Cards are not required. The operator is expected to claim contacts only from stations the operator has every reason to believe are legitimate. Scores will be adjusted by the KCDX Contest Committee for claimed contacts with pirates or any station not considered legitimate. Submissions may be penalized or voided in cases of fraud or poor sportsmanship. The decisions of the KCDX Awards & Contest Committee are final.
(9) Results: The final listing of official scores will be posted on the KCDX Contest website.
(10) Awards:
a) Certificates: Certificates will be issued to the top (3) three scores from each Category.
b) Plaques: The KCDXC Contest Committee will award plaques to the top scorer in each category. The top scorer overall will receive the “KCDX Club DXer Champion” Plaque.
(11) In all cases, the rulings of the KCDXC Contest Committee and the KCDXC Contest Committee Chairman are final.