The N0SS – Tom Hammond Memorial CONTESTING CONTEST

The KCDX Club Tom Hammond (NØSS) memorial Contest begins at 0000 UTC on January 1, and runs through 2359 UTC on December 31. The goal is to make as many contest based contacts and multipliers as possible. 

These are the rules for the KCDXC (NØSS) Tom Hammond DX Contest:
Purpose:  To promote contest activity on the bands and to provide friendly competition among the amateur radio community.

Rules: KCDXC (NØSS) Contest
(1) Activity period: The KCDX Club (NØSS) Tom Hammond Memorial Contest is a year-long activity, beginning at 0000 UTC January 1, and ending at 2359 UTC December 31.
(1a) Eligibility:  This Contest is open to all Licensed Amateurs who are members of the
KCDX CLUB.  To become a member visit
(1b) Membership Requirements: To be considered a KCDX Club member dues must be paid by June 1st.

 (2) Frequencies:  Any authorized amateur frequency may be used. Contacts through repeaters, remote stations or satellites are not allowed for credit, nor are contacts with maritime or aeronautical mobile stations. All contacts must be made entirely over amateur radio frequencies—i.e., Echolink-type contacts or IRLP do not count.
(3) Modes: Three modes will be recognized in the NØSS CONTEST—CW, SSB, and Digital.
(4) Categories: All awards are for single operator. Entries must be made under your call from your home station.  There are three categories of entry:

Hi-Power/Low Power/QRP:

  1. High Power: High Power is defined as a maximum Power of 1500 watts.
  2.  Low Power: Low power is defined as a maximum output power of 100 watts.
  3.  QRP:  QRP is defined as a maximum output power of 5 watts.

(5) Scoring:
This is a contest based competition.  Any public contest (48 hours maximum) published in QST, CQ or WA7BNM contest calendar is eligible if the contest is held on weekends or nights. No mid-week, daytime only contests will be eligible for this competition. Retired ops would have a clear advantage if daytime Sprints are allowed.

Scoring is a simple addition of total scores from each contest the participant operates in.   

ARRL DX SSB= 126,572 points   

CQ WW CW=    329,128 points

CQ WW SSB=   101,260 points


Total score= 556,960 points

 N0SS score would sum of all points earned in eligible contests

(6) Submissions: Submissions must be made electronically, via e-mail. All scores must be received by January 15.
(7) Verification: QSL’s are not required. The operator is expected to claim contacts only from stations the operator has every reason to believe are legitimate, and only to claim contacts in which an accurate two-way exchange was clearly
accomplished. Decisions of the KCDX Awards and Contest Committee are final.
(8) Claimed Scores: Competitors are encouraged to submit claimed scores to the KCDX Contest website at 90 day intervals.
The individual category winner is required to submit his/her contest logs upon request.
(9) Results: The final listing of official scores will be posted on the KCDX Contest website.

(10) Awards: CertificatesCertificates may be issued to the winners from each ARRL Section. Where there is sufficient activity, additional certificates may be issued for other high scorers.
The KCDXC Awards and Contest Committee may issue award plaques to the top scorer in each category. Additional sponsors are welcome.
(11) In all cases, the rulings of the KCDXC Awards and Contest Committee and the KCDXC Awards Committee Chairman are final.
(12)Entry (Submission) deadline for the 2022 KCDX Club (NØSS) TOM HAMMOND, N0SS Contest is January 15.